MinePro Scandal: Tokenomics Comparison

Exposing the discrepancies between MinePro's tokenomics on ICP vs. their previous documentation.

ICP Tokenomics (Forum)

In the ICP forum, MinePro introduced new tokenomics to align with their fresh scam. Here's the tokenomics breakdown:

ICP Forum Tokenomics

Previous Documentation Tokenomics

The tokenomics presented on their previous documentation page (GitBook) show a different structure, suggesting they restructured their approach to cover their tracks:

GitBook Documentation Tokenomics

Documentation page (GitBook):

Key Differences

Here are some major differences that indicate their attempt to exploit different ecosystems by modifying their tokenomics:


By shifting the tokenomics from their initial GitBook documentation to the ICP version, they altered major aspects, such as the distribution of tokens for the sale, development team, and liquidity. This clearly shows their attempt to mask previous exploitation, while re-structuring token allocation to entice new investors on ICP.